Harpreet Bansal

Harpreet Bansal
© photo provided

Dry Extract Interview: Chef Fatih Tutak, Turk Fatih Tutak, Istanbul, Turkey

In our Dry Extract mini-interview feature we ask top professionals in the world of wine, food and travel to answer 13 deceptively simple questions in a quick-fire fashion.

Born in Istanbul in 1985, Chef Fatih Tutak has spent the best part of his career to date outside Turkey, working in some of the most globally renowned restaurants. 

After working his apprenticeship in some of the country’s best hotels and restaurants, including the Ritz-Carlton Cam in Istanbul under famed chef, Paul Pairet, his focus turned east. He returned home in February 2019 and opened TURK FATIH TUTAK in December 2019.

Chef Fatih Tutak won Best Chef of the Year 2020 in Time Out Istanbul and placed no.89 in the World’s Best Chef Awards, where he was the only Turkish chef in the top 100. 

The best advice I ever got

Be patient.

My life motto

Surround yourself with great people.

I am currently reading

Shibumi by Travanian

My most played music track

Oceanvs Ori̇entalis 

If I didn’t do my current job I would be

A plastic surgeon.

Skill I don’t currently possess but would like to have 

Being able to play different sports (e.g. biking, basketball, etc.)

My favourite kind of exercise

Stretching. I currently work out every two days per week.

I relax while

Having a drink with my friends and visiting anything related to arts.

I collect


My essential newspaper/magazine

I have many, but one in particular I like is Fool Magazine.

My desert-island wine

I wouldn’t drink wine, I would bring Rakı.

I have learnt a lot from

I continuously learn along the way when I pursue true goals and create a great experience for my guests.

My last meal and sip will be

My mom’s milk: that was the first food I had, and that would be the last.

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