Apple Tart with Caramel

Apple Tart with Caramel
© Jacqui Melville, AT Verlag /

Apple Tart with Caramel

The pleasure is made perfect by vanilla ice cream - recipe tip from the book »Apples« by James Rich.

Apples and caramel are a heavenly combination. It brings back memories of fairs and fireworks. In this cake, which could almost pass for dessert, the flavours come through beautifully. Best served warm, with a generous blob of caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream if you like.

For the cake

Ingredients (12 servings)
175 g butter, room temperature
150 g caster sugar
200 g plain flour
1 teaspoon(s) ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon(s) ground ginger
2 ½ teaspoon(s) baking powder
4 eggs, scrambled
100 g almonds, ground
50 g sultanas
200 g dessert apples (z. B. Gala, Elstar), peeled, cored, 1 apple sliced, the rest chopped

For the caramel sauce

Ingredients (12 servings)
200 ml double cream
50 g butter
175 g light raw cane sugar
1 tablespoon(s) sugar syrup
1 tablespoon(s) molasses

To serve

Ingredients (12 servings)
vanilla ice cream
  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees fan oven. Grease the bottom of a springform cake tin (22 cm diameter) with butter and line with baking paper. In a food processor, cream the butter with the sugar until pale in colour.
  • Sift flour, cinnamon, ginger and baking powder into a separate bowl. Gradually add the eggs to the butter mixture, stirring well in between and adding 1 tablespoon of the flour mixture at a time. Once the flour is fully incorporated, add the ground almonds and sultanas and continue stirring until everything is combined. Add the chopped apples and stir in with a wooden spoon. Pour the dough into the prepared mould and place the apple slices on top in a circle.
  • Bake in the oven for 1 hour until a pierced skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then remove the ring from the springform tin and place the cake on a cooling rack to cool.
  • For the caramel sauce, heat the double cream in a saucepan over a low heat. Add butter and sugar and stir until everything is liquid and smooth, do not allow to boil. Then add sugar syrup and molasses and mix well.
  • Serve the cake with the hot caramel sauce and a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream.
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