A whimsical creation: Wiener Schnitzel ice cream

A whimsical creation: Wiener Schnitzel ice cream
© EMF/ Jamie Fischer

Schnitzel Ice Cream Anyone? Meet the 'Crazy' Ice Cream Maker

For more than ten years, Germany's so-called Crazy Ice Cream Maker has been delighting customers with delicious, and unusual, ice cream flavours.

The success story of Matthias Münz, known as the Verrückter Eismacher or Crazy Ice Cream Maker, goes back to his childhood, when he spent all his pocket money on pistachio ice cream and was one of the best customers at his favourite ice cream parlour. Today, with three ice cream parlours in Munich, he delights other ice cream lovers with unusual and sometimes bizarre flavours such as American Breakfast ice cream with bacon and Cookie Dough ice cream. He has just published his first book in German called Eis aus dem Wunderland (Ice Cream from Wonderland), bringing ice cream making magic into every kitchen.

Italian ice cream art with a dollop of madness

Matthias Münz kept his desire to own his own ice cream parlour in mind when he was studying, working with three ice cream manufacturers in Italy during his tourism management studies. This gave him an insight into the world of the ice cream maestri. In an interview with Falstaff, Münz explains that this enabled him to learn secret family recipes and what was important for high-quality ice cream production. This know-how, coupled with a dollop of madness, finally led to the opening of his first ice cream parlour in Munich in 2012.

© Sebastian Arlt

Unusual & wild ice cream flavours

What sets the ice cream of the Crazy Ice Cream Maker apart are the unusual and sometimes bizarre flavours. From classic strawberry and brownie ice cream to spicy creations with goat's cheese, Wiener schnitzel or pizza. Matthias Münz competed with the last creation at the Ice Cream World Championship in Italy, where he did not win, but earnt a few stunned looks and laughs. Since then, his Italian colleagues like to call him "Mostro", which means "monster" on the one hand and "genius" on the other.

Humour is the main ingredient 

Anyone who has visited the Crazy Ice Cream Maker or follows him on social media knows that humour is one of the main ingredients of his ice creams. When asked whether customers actually like the whimsical flavours, Matthias Münz says that the Currywurst and Pizza Margherita ice creams are particularly well received. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the so-called "minimum distance ice cream" was created, consisting of stinky cheese, garlic, onions and fig mustard, which certainly ensures sufficient distance after consumption.

Derya Metzler
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