The best "Contemporary Cuisine"-Restaurants

2356 "Contemporary Cuisine" restaurants ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale in All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Contemporary Cuisine

Sven Elverfeld steps on the gas in the Autostadt: refined compositions with a high degree of complexity. In two menus with up to seven courses, it's all about "discovering new things" or tasting beloved dishes again with "My connection".

Parkstraße 1, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

A modern restaurant with great taste. The dishes are masterfully designed by Massimiliano Alajmo, who offers a creative cuisine with rich, authentic and avant-garde flavours. The "cappuccino al nero" with octopus and potato foam is a must-try, as is the risotto with saffron and liquorice. Excellent wine list.

Via Liguria 1, 35030 Rubano, Italy
Contemporary Cuisine

There is hardly any other chef who has managed to leave such an exquisite mark on fish cuisine and represent the gastronomic Salzkammergut internationally. Lukas Nagl is one of the best!

Klosterplatz 4, 4801 Traunkirchen, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Gerhard Fuchs has been inspiring on the top for years. Products from the region, but also from Friuli and Istria, form the basis for subtle, down-to-earth inspired courses. Great wine pairing by Christian Zach.

Hauptstraße 44, 8461 Ehrenhausen, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Culinary perfection in its purest form. In several acts (up to nine courses), a journey of the senses and a display of flavour contrasts and consistencies await. The highest level!

Dominikanerbastei 17, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine Luxury / High End

Somewhat hidden in a winding alley not far from Piazza Navona. On the menu, Roman classics, reinterpreted. In addition to Amatriciana, there is also a sweet version of the popular Carbonara. Very extensive wine list.

Vicolo dei Soldati 31, 00186 Rome, Italy
Contemporary Cuisine

Dominik Hartmann, Restaurant Magdalena Rickenbach bei Schwyz<br> <br> Erstes rein vegetarisches Restaurant in Europa mit 2 Michelin Sternen<br> »Roh, rau, regional« - so bringt Dominik Hartmann seine Philosophie auf den Punkt. Kaum hatte der 30-jährige Küchenchef sein erstes eigenes Restaurant, das Magdalena in Rickenbach oberhalb von Schwyz, im März 2020 zusammen mit seiner Frau Adriana sowie Jungendfreund Marco Appert eröffnet, zwang der coronabedingte Lockdown sogleich zur Schliessung. Trotz dieser widrigen Umstände zu Beginn, gelang das Durchstarten nach der Wiedereröffnung mehr als mit Bravour. Hartmanns Kochkünste und das gastronomische Gesamtkonzept im Magdalena begeisterten derart, dass der Guide Michelin Hartmann (mit 28 Jahren) auf Anhieb – von null an – gleich zwei Sterne verlieh.<br> <br> Der GaultMillau krönte Hartmanns Ausnahmetalent mit der Auszeichnung »Entdeckung des Jahres 2021« und zwei Jahre später »Aufsteiger des Jahres 2023«. Der 30-jährige Shootingstar begeistert mit einer undogmatischen, raffinierten Küche, in dessen Mittelpunkt er das Gemüse stellt. Es ist das erste rein vegetarische Restaurant in Europa, welches mit zwei Michelin Sternen ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Produkte stammen mehrheitlich aus der Umgebung, vieles sogar aus Rickenbach selbst. »Lassen Sie sich überraschen, wie fein unsere Region schmeckt!«, lautet denn auch das Magdalena-Motto.<br> <br> Hartmann absolvierte eine Kochlehre und Ausbildung zum Confiseur. Prägende berufliche Stationen folgten bei Andreas Caminada, zunächst als Commis de Cuisine und anschliessend als Chef de Partie, im Schloss Schauenstein. Bei Fabian Fuchs im Equitable arbeitete er sodann als Sous Chef, bevor der Traum vom eigenen Restaurant sich erfüllte.

Rickenbachstrasse 127, 6432 Schwyz, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Each plate is a magnificent work of art: shape, colour and the fantastic combinations of texture and flavours of the food make you forget the everyday world. Dining here is an unforgettable experience! The wine list is as perfect and varied as the cuisine.

Place du Port 17, 1000 Lausanne, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

The table culture celebrated in this chic restaurant is magnificent. The cuisine shines with creative highlights, indulgence at its very best. There is also a rich selection of top-quality wines.

Bahnhofstraße 8a, 54498 Piesport, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

At the wave-shaped table for 24 people, Kevin Fehling celebrates great gastronomic art with a menu that varies seasonally. The individualistic dishes are imaginatively conceived and perfectly executed.

Shanghaiallee 15, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Tony Hohlfeld's Nordic-influenced two-star cuisine never ceases to amaze with its originality, variety of flavors and precision. It is congenially complemented by the ideas of sommelier Mona Schrader.

Marienstraße 116, 30171 Hannover, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Immerse yourself in a world of pleasure, chefs Sebastian Zier and Richard Schmidtkonz indulge their guests in classic French cuisine and cosmopolitan haute cuisine. Fine wines from their exclusive vaulted cellar elevate the experience to perfection.

Berneggstrasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Perfect gastronomic art with delicate, light, seasonal creations from the chef duo Benedikt Arps and Jan Fehling. The location in the dunes is unsurpassed. Large wine list from restaurant manager Bärbel Ring.

Am Sandwall 1, 25980 Sylt (Rantum), Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Fabian Günzel's multi-course menus celebrate the art of reduction. Pink radicchio meets Gruyère, turbot meets Osietra caviar, Piedmontese veal meets spinach. Top wine list with a focus on France.

Mollardgasse 76, 1060 Vienna, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Paul Ivić has firmly established himself as a figurehead of upscale vegetarian cuisine. He shows how to take plant-based cuisine - always creative and varied - to a truly top level.

Himmelpfortgasse 23, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Alma - soul - is the name of the restaurant run by award-winning chef Henrique Sá Pessoa. Here you can enjoy elegant, contemporary, soulful Portuguese cuisine in a particularly beautiful dining room in a robust 18th century villa.

Rua Anchieta, 15, 1200 Lissabon, Portugal
Contemporary Cuisine

Cosmopolitan gourmet restaurant in an exclusive location. A sophisticated journey through the different flavours is what makes the menus - "Klee" vegetarian, "Ox" with fish and meat - so appealing.

Mittleres Kranhaus, Im Zollhafen 18, 50678 Köln, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

The house has been family-run since 1773, and the exclusive setting underlines Mathias Bachmann's upscale kitchen line. His creations impress with their intensity of taste, expression and composition. Example: lime macaron with red prawns. Outstanding wine accompaniment, excellent service.

Weißlahnstraße 4, 39042 Brixen, Italy
Contemporary Cuisine

Top gastronomy with a difference: Chef Joël Ellenberger focuses on shared enjoyment and cosiness. He deliberately does without the flow of a classic menu. Instead, he conjures up unique sharing courses that leave nothing to be desired.

Bernhard-Simon Strasse 14, 7310 Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Chef Marco Campanella shows how upscale Gorumet cuisine goes today. He learned his craft from the best chefs in Switzerland and today creates outstanding dishes at La Brezza that inspire with lightness, freshness, creativity and the highest craftsmanship.

Via Albarelle 16, 6612 Ascona, Switzerland