24 July is National Tequila Day 

24 July is National Tequila Day 
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Top 10 Cocktails for National Tequila Day

Mexicans aren't the only ones who like to celebrate National Tequila Day. Raise a glass or two to the agave spirit on Sunday 24 July – wherever you are in the world.

Tequila used to have something of a bad reputation but the agave spirit is now booming in popularity. National Tequila Day is the perfect time to brush up on your knowledge – and your mixing!

Tequila is the most well-known version of the agave spirit mezcal, distilled from the succulent heart of the agave plant. The portion of agave has to be at least 51% – but the best Tequila is made from 100% agave.

It takes about one agave plant to make a bottle of Tequila or mezcal – and on average, 400 million agave hearts are distilled every year. 

Due to its versatility, Tequila can be tasted straight or in various cocktails, the most famous of which is the Margarita. Now creative bartenders and mixologists are coming up with new variations on the old favourite as well as other liquid ways of showcasing one of Mexico's most famous exports. 

Top 10 drinks with Tequila

The Falstaff team wishes you lots of fun and success in your home bar!

Catherine Walbridge
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