A beautiful dressing can elevate the plainest salad into a special dish

A beautiful dressing can elevate the plainest salad into a special dish
© Shutterstock

Super-Easy Dressings for Every Salad

A fabulous dressing can spice up the plainest salad. Here are five tried-and-tested recipes that are a step up from a classic vinaigrette.

It takes just a couple of minutes to whip up your own salad dressing with a few good quality ingredients and you can instantly taste the difference. It's hard to beat a classic French vinaigrette recipe, made from olive oil, vinegar and mustard, but shake it up by trying our creamier Swiss version (which also goes by the modest nickname of 'Best Swiss Salad Dressing Ever' in the Falstaff office...) or add some colour by whizzing up a Green Goddess Dressing. And don't feel you need to keep dressings just for salads: they do double-duty as dips accompanied by some crunchy crudités, side sauces for grilled vegetables and more!

The Falstaff Team wishes you the best of luck and every success in the kitchen!

Catherine Walbridge
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