Original Almdudler Best Wineries in Spitz

Richard Semik/Shutterstock
14 wineries and wine taverns ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale offering "Original Almdudler" in Spitz. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Alexandra and Martin Donabaum run the Heurigen, which is beautifully situated in the middle of vineyards. Martin provides white wines full of character from the cool Spitzer vineyards, while Alexandra, a trained restaurateur, looks after her guests with home-made, cold delicacies.

In der Spitz 3, 3620 Spitz, Austria

The wines come from famous Spitzer vineyards such as Bruck and Setzberg, while the produce for the hearty Heurigen dishes is sourced locally. In fine weather, you can enjoy all this in a pretty forecourt with a view of the Wachau's unique terraced vineyards.

Laaben Haidgasse 1, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Junior Christoph Donabaum has been running the winery since 2020. The wine tavern is popular, among other things, because of the senior manager's highly ambitious wine tavern cuisine. She mainly uses products from the region and makes - widely known - magnificent pastries.

Laaben 16, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Traditional Heuriger in the middle of the Spitzer vineyards - deliberately simple and kitsch-free. In addition to the Wachauer Hauerjause, you can also enjoy tender and juicy roast beef - bread and pastries come from cult baker Schmidl. The delicious white wines flow with it.

Radlbach 11, 3620 Spitz, Austria

The Lechner family's traditional wine tavern is located in the old town centre of Spitz. The house white wines come from well-known Spitz vineyards such as Singerriedl, Axpoint and Steinporz. They also serve down-to-earth dishes (sour dishes, Heurigen platter).

Kirchenplatz 5, 3620 Spitz, Austria

A traditional winery that has been cultivating and developing the craft of winemaking for seven generations. Here, tried and tested methods are valued and complemented by modern techniques. The estate's wines are proudly presented with the Hauerjause and all kinds of home-made delicacies.

Zornberg 6, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Haidgasse 10, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Gut am Steg 4, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Radlbach 5, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Auf der Wehr 2, 3620 Spitz, Austria

In der Spitz 1, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Rote Torgasse 1, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Hauptstraße 34, 3620 Spitz, Austria

Ottenschlägerstraße 36, 3620 Spitz, Austria