The best restaurants in Salzburg

Discover Salzburg´s best restaurants and find out where Mozart was born.
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Luxury / High End

For more than 20 years, Patron Witzigmann and Executive Chef Martin Klein have been inviting top chefs to take guests on a trip around the world. Two Michelin stars crown this unique gastronomic concept.

Wilhelm-Spazier-Straße 7a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Luxury / High End

Andreas Döllerer has become synonymous with "Alpine Cuisine". His gastronomic art and world of flavours are determined by local products and the mountains. They set the gastronomic tone right from the amuse-bouche.

Markt 56, 5440 Golling an der Salzach, Austria
Luxury / High End

Obauer and Werfen have been a brand in the gourmet world for decades. The brothers' outstanding cuisine - with the best ingredients from home and around the world - delivers relaxed enjoyment at the highest level.

Markt 46, 5450 Werfen, Austria
Luxury / High End

Andreas Senn's sophisticated, two Michelin-starred kitchen theatre plays out in an unusual setting with open cuisine, exciting menus and protagonists from the global world of flavours.

Söllheimer Straße 16, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Luxury / High End

<p>Das 5 Sterne Superior HOTEL SCHLOSS M&Ouml;NCHSTEIN*****s liegt inmitten eines gro&szlig;en Schlossparks, direkt auf dem M&ouml;nchsberg und mit herrlichem Rundblick auf Salzburg. Die Altstadt ist in wenigen Minuten mit dem M&ouml;nchberglift zu Fu&szlig; erreichbar.</p> <p>Die mit vier Hauben pr&auml;mierten Kochk&uuml;nste von K&uuml;chenchef Markus Mayr werden nun im neuen &Aacute;-la-Carte-Restaurant &raquo;The Glass Garden&laquo; pr&auml;sentiert, das sich direkt unter der neu geschaffenen Glaskuppel befindet. &Uuml;ber eine breite Panoramafensterfront, die sich bei passender Witterung auch &ouml;ffnen l&auml;sst, k&ouml;nnen bis zu 40 Besucher einen atemberaubenden Blick &uuml;ber die Mozartstadt genie&szlig;en. Im Zentrum des Restaurants wurde eine kunstvoll gestaltete und mundgeblasene Glasskulptur namens &raquo;Chrysolite Aqua Tower&laquo; des amerikanischen K&uuml;nstlers Dale Chihuly installiert. Der Glasturm besteht aus 140 individuell gefertigten Glasteilen, die entlang einer speziellen Stahlkonstruktion kunstvoll zusammengesetzt wurden.</p> <p>Unser K&uuml;chenchef, Markus Mayr, und sein Team verzaubern Sie mit verfeinerten &ouml;sterreichischen Gerichten und internationalen K&ouml;stlichkeiten. Die breitgef&auml;cherte Auswahl an korrespondierenden Weinen und unsere freundlichen sowie kompetenten Mitarbeiter versprechen Ihren Besuch einzigartig werden zu lassen.</p> <p>Unsere stylische Apollo-Bar oder die Terrasse vor dem Hotel mit Blick in den romantischen Schlosspark bieten Platz f&uuml;r Jedermann. Ob Festspiel-Aperitif, Mittag- und Abendessen oder zu Kaffee und Kuchen, bei uns findet jeder das richtige Pl&auml;tzchen. Unser, mit Leckereien gef&uuml;llter M&ouml;nchstein Picknickkorb, kann ab April wieder f&uuml;r eine Landpartie, mit Vorreservierung, bestellt werden. Suchen Sie sich ein sch&ouml;nes Pl&auml;tzchen am M&ouml;nchsberg oder einem anderen Ort Ihrer Wahl und lassen Sie sich bei hausgemachten K&ouml;stlichkeiten die Sonne auf den Bauch scheinen!</p> <p>Der &raquo;Gotische Salon&laquo; ist bestens geeignet f&uuml;r Empf&auml;nge, exklusive Abendessen oder Meetings im kleinen, feinen Rahmen. Empfangen Sie Ihre G&auml;ste in einem historisch, denkmalgesch&uuml;tzten Raum, ausgestattet mit wertvollem antiken Mobiliar und mit Blick &uuml;ber Salzburg.</p>

Mönchsberg Park 26, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Luxury / High End

Top chef Andreas Mayer has been a guarantee for outstanding cuisine for years. With flavours from Salzburg (Pinzgau lamb) and the world (goose liver variations), he puts his palate in the limelight.

Hofmannsthalstraße 10, 5700 Zell am See, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

With his extraordinary dishes from nature, Vitus Winkler tells a story of flavours, his homeland and his great creativity. Alpine cuisine that can hardly be bettered anywhere else.

Kirchweg 2, 5621 St. Veit im Pongau, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Maria and Josef Steffner live their passion for the very best cuisine. The ingredients come from the forests, mountains and local producers. Signature dishes based around the Lungau "Eachtling".

Markt 56, 5570 Mauterndorf, Austria
Luxury / High End

In the baroque vicarage, Jürgen Vigne cooks exciting cuisine to the rhythm of the seasons and with a great deal of creativity. His dishes are characterized by good taste and a reduction to the essentials.

Söllheim 3, 5300 Hallwang, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

This tavern cuisine in the beautiful ambience of Andreas Döllerer is everything the connoisseur's heart desires. Slow cooking at its best with tradition and innovation - from veal sausage to Kaiserschmarren (pancakes).

Markt 56, 5440 Golling an der Salzach, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The cuisine is a combination of traditional pub and modern cooking techniques. Franz Meilinger and Andreas Stotter combine old recipes with cool cooking ideas and the taste of home. Exemplary!.

Weyer 9, 5733 Bramberg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Andreas Herbst's gourmet restaurant has become a gastronomic highlight of the region. It is the ideal place for his alpine cuisine, which he combines with creativity rooted in his homeland.

Rain 100, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The exclusive Private Cooking by and with chef Michael Helfrich can only be booked for ten guests. Experience the exceptional art of cooking with a view over the master's shoulder. Magically good food!

Hütten 2, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Luxury / High End

The Holleis family is a benchmark for the very best hospitality. Classic regional cuisine ("Schotten") are combined with seasonal delicacies to create creative cuisine with taste. Great patisserie!.

Auerspergstraße 11, 5700 Zell am See, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

A beautiful traditional house meets a young team of chefs, who create an excellent range of gastronomic delights from classic Alpine to contemporary vegetarian. Outstanding wine cellar.

Leogang 3, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Luxury / High End

For years, Andreas Kaiblinger's lush and extraordinary cuisine has been a fixed star in Salzburg's gastronomic sky. His creations are aromatic works of art, creative and full of flavour.

Müllner Hauptstraße 33, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Richard Brunnauer's cuisine has been a pillar of Salzburg's top gastronomy for years. Unadorned, with a lot of creativity and the best ingredients, he conjures up the finest dishes from lunch to dinner.

Fürstenallee 5, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Those who stop off at Puradies take a journey through the mountains and seasons. "Genial regional", "Mediterranean love" or "Hand-picked" are the three signposts, sorry: food themes.

Rain 9, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Ethnic Cuisine

Lucas Bocsa is the master of the kitchen: he conjures up delicious, exquisite, sometimes hearty or even extravagant dishes. What is always on point is the quality of the ingredients and the craftsmanship.

Mondsee-Bundesstraße 10, 5340 Sankt Gilgen, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Emanuel Weyringer has stood for cosmopolitan, artfully composed and flavourful cuisine for many years. From the famous fried mussels to the fantastic Salzburger-Nockerl (famous light and airy pudding) – an experience.

Fenning 7a, 5302 Henndorf am Wallersee, Austria