"Beer Selection" Restaurants in Austria

Przemek Iciak/Shutterstock
158 restaurants offering "Beer Selection" in Austria that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Hubert Wallner's fine dining menu is of the highest standard and he always knows how to create new surprises. The wine cellar has an international format. Great view of the lake.

Seeplatz 6, 9082 Maria Wörth, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Everyone now cooks regionally and with ingredients from wild harvesting. Josef Floh has been doing this for ages - and it's exceptionally delicious. The more minimalist he prepares rarities from the field, the more fun the expert has.

Tullner Straße 1, 3425 Langenlebarn, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Home-smoked sturgeon and roast onion are no contradiction at Veronika and Uwe Machreich. The pub cuisine is as devoted as the evening "grand opera" - but always very relaxed.

Ödhöfen 25, 2853 Krumbach, Austria
Luxury / High End

Cosmopolitan, Francophile, top-quality products from the region: Sascha Kemmerer and his team have been perfecting this recipe for success for over ten years. Don't miss the events: Alpine Spring, Summer Festival, "Sascha & Friends"!

Oberseitestraße 6, 6992 Hirschegg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

<p>Herzlich Willkommen in Gr&uuml;ndlers Genie&szlig;erhotel, der ersten Adresse f&uuml;r leiblichen Genuss mit gehobener Kulinarik, bodenst&auml;ndigen Gaumenfreuden und herrlichen Wohlf&uuml;hln&auml;chten in einer der sch&ouml;nsten Regionen Tirols, dem Achensee. Ist das nicht Grund genug? In unserem Kulinarikhotel Alpin haben Sie die Wahl zwischen bodenst&auml;ndigem Genie&szlig;erwirtshaus oder gehobener Gourmetk&uuml;che!</p> <p>Sommer wie Winter erleben Sie einen ganz besonderen Urlaub mit charmanter Tiroler Gastfreundschaft in einer gro&szlig;artigen Berg- und Wasserwelt. Kulinarik und Natur, das ist eine wunderbare Kombination f&uuml;r gelungene Ferien&hellip;</p> <p>Im Lexikon f&uuml;r Feinschmecker ist&rsquo;s nachzuschlagen, unsere k&ouml;stlichen Gerichte bewirken ein wahres Feuerwerk an sinnlicher Inspiration! Im Gourmetst&uuml;berl verw&ouml;hnen wir Sie aus unserer Haubenk&uuml;che mit Kreativit&auml;t und geschmacklicher Eleganz, die Men&uuml;s sind aufw&auml;ndig kreiert dazu edle Weine und kompetenter Service &ndash; auch die anspruchsvollsten Genie&szlig;er kommen hier auf Ihre Kosten&hellip;</p> <p>Es muss nicht immer das H&ouml;chste sein, wer&rsquo;s lieber bodenst&auml;ndig mag ist im Genie&szlig;erwirtshaus gut aufgehoben. Feine Gerichte mit regionalem Einfluss, zubereitet mit vorwiegend heimischen Produkten so auch Wild aus der Karwendelregion oder edlen Fisch aus den glasklaren Gew&auml;ssern kommen auf den Teller. Veredelt wird Ihr Aufenthalt im 4-Sterne-Kulinarikhotel Alpin mit einem f&uuml;rstlichen Fr&uuml;hst&uuml;cksbuffet&hellip; Die Bewegung an der frischen Luft macht nat&uuml;rlich auch Appetit und da kommen wir wieder ins Spiel &ndash; bestens vorbereitet sorgen wir uns um Ihr Wohlbefinden aber zuvor entspannen Sie noch im Saunabereich &raquo;Alpinaria&laquo;&hellip;</p> <p>Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihre Gastgeber sein zu d&uuml;rfen, <br /><em>Ihre Familie Gr&uuml;ndler und Mitarbeiter</em></p>

Seestraße 35, 6215 Achenkirch, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Andreas Herbst's gourmet restaurant has become a gastronomic highlight of the region. It is the ideal place for his alpine cuisine, which he combines with creativity rooted in his homeland.

Rain 100, 5771 Leogang, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The ambience is reminiscent of a rustic ski lodge, but the cuisine exudes great class. Dominik Utassy, formerly of Tantris in Munich, demonstrates his international stature. There is a wine selection to match.

Lichtersberg 85, 8992 Altaussee, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

When Michael Müller tackles something, it becomes a success. He brews beer, sells wine glasses and is the first choice for wine rounds. With chef Andreas Zika, he has brought in a pearl. Super Iberian gourmet cuisine.

Obere Donaulände 15, 4020 Linz, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

When Franziska Hiller swings the cooking spoon, the result is always wonderful: based on the rules of Hildegard von Bingen, the focus here is on naturalness - a top investment.

Kirchdorf 77, 6874 Bizau, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Tradition, sustainability and creativity go hand in hand, from which Andreas Krainer has developed his new Styrian cuisine with fine craftsmanship. Senior Hermann Krainer looks after the large wine cellar.

Grazer Straße 12, 8665 Langenwang, Austria

Top-quality regional delicacies in a classy ambience: Head chef Sascha Kemmerer uses regional ingredients to create Alpine delicacies, and he lets the schnitzel sizzle in barrel butter - delicious!

Oberseitestraße 6, 6992 Hirschegg, Austria
Contemporary Cuisine

Peneder, a specialist in fire doors, also has a company restaurant that is open to guests in the evenings. Chef Robert Bauer is passionate about cooking. Excellent and understandable cuisine.

Ritzling 9, 4904 Atzbach, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Those who try the independently interpreted Tyrolean creations here will be cooked for by TV chef Alexander Fankhauser. The well-stocked wine list complements his sophisticated, fine cuisine.

Hochfügen 34, 6264 Fügenberg, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Whoever says Afiesl must also say Bergergut, bread and specialty. The gastronomic idyll that Eva-Maria Pürmayer and Thomas Hofer have created here is astonishing. High gastronomic art, good beers.

Oberafiesl 7, 4170 Afiesl, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Bernhard Gruber has enriched the established gourmet address with his wit. As a scout, he seeks out top local products and showcases them brilliantly. Tip: "Neues Backhaus" menu at a fixed price.

Bahngasse 1, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The word "alpine" is omnipresent here: in the ambience of the Small Luxury Hotel, in the kitchen with ingredients ranging from local game to alpine herbs. Barbecuing with the Big Green Egg is a new feature.

Unterbergstraße 76, 5611 Großarl, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Maria and Roman Mailänder are passionate hosts and, together with chef Alexander Rettenbacher, create an oasis of pleasure. Traditional, often unusual (currywurst with catfish), always very good.

Kellerbauerweg 41, 5424 Bad Vigaun, Austria

You can find almost anything here, just nothing ordinary. Poached oysters make you feel all sausagey, followed by fried duck liver and to finish, caramelised Kaiserschmarren with Tahitian vanilla ice cream.

Markt 88, 5360 Sankt Wolfgang im Salzkammergut, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Weitmoser organic beef is always at the centre of the cuisine: as tartare or grilled, as juicy ham or boiled beef. It is accompanied by game, fish from Gastein waters and vegetarian dishes.

Schlossgasse 14, 5630 Bad Hofgastein, Austria
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The cuisine makes use of the treasures of the surrounding area: Fish from the Danube and the Waldviertel, wine and game from the Wachau, vegetables from the garden. And voilà: modern inn cuisine with its finger on the pulse.

Wachaustraße 280, 3610 Weißenkirchen in der Wachau, Austria