"Classic & Traditional Cuisine" Restaurants in Canton of Neuchâtel

15 "Classic & Traditional Cuisine" restaurants in Canton of Neuchâtel that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Classic & Traditional Cuisine Luxury / High End

Two sphinxes watch over the late 18th-century park and palace. In the elegant historic dining room, guests are treated to seasonal dishes. Great is the cheese cellar with about 40 provenances stored under perfect conditions.

Avenue du Peyrou 1, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The Auberge's location is fantastic for outdoor sports enthusiasts, treating guests to seasonal dishes with exclusively local and organic ingredients. The bistro serves a hearty cuisine, while the restaurant is elegant and upscale.

Le Prévoux 10, 2400 Le Locle, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

In this historic inn from the early 17th century, a country cuisine typical of the Neuchâtel Jura is celebrated. The seasonal, hearty dishes are given a delicate touch by herbs and vegetables. The crusty bread is baked in a wood-fired oven.

Les Petites-Crosettes 6, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The restaurant with a cheerful interior presents a contemporary creative cuisine based on the offer of local producers. The combinations are masterpieces of taste. In the cellar, besides wine, there is also an arsenal of aged brandies.

Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 114, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Located on Lake Neuchâtel, La Table du Palafitte is flooded with light and has a maritime flair. The dishes are contemporary and seasonal. At lunchtime, the quick service allows for a relaxed meal, while in the evening, lovely and elegant meals are served.

Route des Gouttes-d'Or 2, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

This Belle Époque brasserie with its beautifully painted tiles should be on your bucket list for a trip to Neuchâtel. Local specialties are on the brasserie menu, and those who crave fresh food from the sea will also get their money's worth.

Rue du Seyon 9, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

This charming place opens daily at 8 a.m. serving coffee and a dose of happiness. The menu features delicious hearty food, such as sausage, côte de boeuf and lasagna. The restaurant's location was indeed a former tram stop.

Avenue François-Borel 3, 2016 Cortaillod, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Rue Centrale 1, 2112 Môtiers NE, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Avenue Léopold-Robert 29, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Chemin du Moulin 3C, 2022 Bevaix, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Grand Rue 34-36, 2012 Auvernier, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Place de La Gare 2, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Place du Régent 2, 2523 Lignières, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Vieille Ville 32, 2525 Le Landeron, Switzerland
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 4, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland