"Contemporary Cuisine" Restaurants in canton of Grisons

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11 "Contemporary Cuisine" restaurants in canton of Grisons that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Contemporary Cuisine

Poststrasse 560a, 7132 Vals, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Dario Cadonau has brilliantly realised his vision of his own gourmet restaurant in the family-run hotel. His cuisine is imaginative and resonant. Animatingly presented on the plate, he finds inspiration for his dishes in Engadine nature.

Crusch Plantaun 217, 7527 Brail, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Casa Alva offers a gourmet menu called "Mountain & Coast" in up to eight courses. Guests are allowed to create their own menu and choose four or more courses depending on their hunger. Taking the complete gastronomic journey is definitely worth it!

Via Visut 31, 7014 Trin, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

In the cozy restaurant with its rustic charm, enjoyable menus - including a vegetarian option - and fine wines from the near and far surroundings are served. In addition, there is a selected à la carte offer from chef Siggi Tschurtschenthaler.

Krüzgass 2, 7306 Fläsch, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

The White Marmot in Corviglia is definitely one of the hottest addresses in winter. Delicious food, musical accompaniment, and a stylish setting including a sun terrace ensure that you can sit down for a while between ski runs and walks.

Corviglia, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Fun concept starring hens: dry-aged chicken tonnato, a whole poussin or Buttermilk Southern Fried Chicken - these dishes will make your mouth water. But there are also vegan and vegetarian alternatives!

Via San Gian 7, 7505 Celerina, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Buolstrasse 3, 7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Panezlis 67, 7064 Tschiertschen, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Bergstation Corviglia, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Via Nova 66, 7017 Flims Dorf, Switzerland
Contemporary Cuisine

Buolstrasse 3, 7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland