"Ethnic Cuisine" Restaurants in Saarland

10 "Ethnic Cuisine" restaurants in Saarland that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Ethnic Cuisine

A well-established family serves French regional cuisine in the border region. Cliff Hämmerle's secret: seasonal ingredients from fair trade sources - and from home production too. Elaborate, but by no means outlandish.

Bliestalstraße 110a, 66440 Blieskastel, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

The clinker brick house in the old slaughterhouse district impresses with its authentic bistro ambience. French-style menus are served with a fine selection of seafood.

Straße des 13. Januar 35, 66121 Saarbrücken, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Classics to fall in love with anew - and for all those who appreciate unusual arrangements away from the standard. A rustic bistro atmosphere, with good craftsmanship, freshness and taste.

Scheidter Straße 66, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Family-style and homemade: whether gnocchi, pasta, bread or ice cream, Domenico Stira, known as "Mimmo", spoils his guests with first-class Mediterranean dishes. It's easy to become a regular here.

Mottener Straße 94, 66822 Lebach, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

This restaurant, serving international and seasonal cuisine, has been family-run for around 40 years. The three-course lunch menu can be put together individually and enjoyed on the garden terrace.

Kaiserstraße 87, 66459 Kirkel, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Cecilienstraße 7, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Metzer Straße 1, 66636 Tholey, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Saarstraße 10, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Prälat-Subtil-Ring 22, 66740 Saarlouis, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Linslerhof 1, 66802 Überherrn, Germany