"Lounge Bar" in Munich

Travel Faery/Shutterstock
15 "Lounge Bar" bars ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale in Munich. All information including address and phone number.
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Lounge Bar

Munich's most interesting shop window in the city centre does not belong to a luxury boutique. The Tagesbar is an institution where there is always plenty to see. The discerning clientele order classic drinks and food without a lot of frills. A timeless meeting place for lovers of the essentials.

Maffeistraße 6, 80333 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

You can learn something here, but you don't have to. And isn't that something wonderful? Kris Krolo and Florian Rath are happy to guide guests through the herb garden of 400 Amaro bottles lined up behind the bar or pour a Croatian wine. But even those who like it classic will find what they are looking for here.

Müllerstraße 50, 80469 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Inspired by the excessive Formula 1 world champion, the Hunt is the pit stop before moving on to the clubs. The compact NY-style bar has more standing room than seats and quickly fills up with the cross-section of Munich's University district. Very good highballs and modern classics are served - without a long wait.

Schellingstraße 32, 80799 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Thalkirchner Straße 29, 80337 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Buttermelcherstraße 6, 80469 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Rumfordstraße 42, 80469 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Klenzestraße 89, 80469 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Sendlinger Straße 10, 80331 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Ganghoferstraße 68, 80339 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Dachauerstraße 7, 80335 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Amalienstraße 26, 80333 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Prälat-Zistl-Straße 12, 80331 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Bayerstraße 3-5, 80336 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Ledererstraße 23, 80331 Munich, Germany
Lounge Bar

Thierschplatz 5, 80538 Munich, Germany