"Parking Space" Restaurants in Lombardia

84 restaurants offering "Parking Space" in Lombardia that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Within the walls of Soave, this historic classic-style restaurant offers down-to-earth cuisine with seafood and quality ingredients. The simple spaghetti with clams is delicious! The wine list is well done and dedicates a separate section to Soave.

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 5, 37038 Soave, Italy
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

A restaurant in rustic and neat style in the centre of Soave. Meat is, despite the name of the restaurant, the protagonist and well represented in the various recipes. The bigoli all'anatra and the delicious main courses are recommended. Interesting wine list.

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 5, 37038 Soave, Italy

Corso Zanardelli 150, 25083 Gardone Riviera, Italy
Ethnic Cuisine

Largo Augusto 10, 20122 Mailand, Italy
Contemporary Cuisine

Via Tortona 56, 20144 Mailand, Italy
Luxury / High End

Via Cantalupa 17, 24060 Brusaporto, Italy
Ethnic Cuisine

Località Runate 15, 46013 Canneto Sull'Oglio, Italy
Luxury / High End

Via Carlo Goldoni 36, 20129 Mailand, Italy

Via Monte di Pietà 18, 20121 Mailand, Italy

Piazza 25 Aprile 10, 20124 Mailand, Italy

Via Lelio Basso 9, 20142 Mailand, Italy

Via Selvanesco 36, 20141 Mailand, Italy

Via Orti 10, 20122 Mailand, Italy

Via Giovanni Battista Pirelli 20, 20124 Mailand, Italy

Piazza della Chiesa, 20007 Cornaredo, Italy

Via Giovanni Lorenzini 14, 20139 Mailand, Italy

Via Fabio Massimo 25, 20139 Mailand, Italy

Via Roma 1, 21013 Gallarate, Italy

Cascina Pezzanchera 2, 27010 Badia Pavese, Italy

Via Edmondo De Amicis 4, 24127 Bergamo, Italy