"Parking Space" Restaurants in Thuringia

14 restaurants offering "Parking Space" in Thuringia that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Ethnic Cuisine

Bjoern Leist is an avant-gardist who creates excellent innovative cuisine in the Thuringian province. In the small restaurant with five tables, he serves eight-course menus and delicious wines.

Bahnhofstraße 2, 36466 Dermbach, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

In the middle of the Thuringian province, Danny Schwabe and his team create world-class dishes. The cuisine plays with excellent ingredients and flavours, creating a symbiosis of avant-garde and tradition.

Weimarer Straße 60, 99444 Blankenhain, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Eisfelder Straße 26, 98724 Neuhaus am Rennweg, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Ulrich Rösch's cuisine is in love with detail and characterised by innovative traditions. Fresh products meet solid craftsmanship, a well-stocked wine list and passionate service.

Karlsplatz 28, 99817 Eisenach, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Friedensstraße 28, 37318 Bornhagen, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The menu ranges from home-style to experimental. The focus is on seasonal cuisine with innovative influences, using regional produce as well as meat and fish from the surrounding area.

Winkelberg 13–15, 99734 Rüdigsdorf, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Historic ambience, a rustic interior, modern cuisine and a balanced selection of drinks. Guests can choose between menus with names such as "Classic" or "River and Sea". The cuisine is Mediterranean in style.

Markt 25, 07318 Saalfeld, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Dorotheenhof 1, 99427 Weimar, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Rudolstädter Straße 2, 99444 Blankenhain, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Straße des Friedens 49, 7381 Pößneck, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Wildetaubener Hauptstraße 7, 7957 Langenwetzendorf, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Am Schloss 1, 99439 Ettersburg, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Dr. Theodor-Neubauer-Straße 8, 98559 Oberhof, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Wilhelmsglücksbrunn 1, 99831 Amt Creuzburg, Germany