"Sunday Opening" Restaurants in Geneva

14 restaurants offering "Sunday Opening" in Geneva that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Ethnic Cuisine

Here you dine with a view of the Jet d'Eau and the French Alps. Chef Giancarlo Pagano loves Italian cuisine and is constantly on the hunt for the best ingredients. The creamy Burratina come from Puglia and the Fritto misto transports you to the Mediterranean.

Quai du Mont-Blanc 19, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

From the two verandas of Le Jardinier you can admire the yachts in the picturesque harbour of Geneva and enjoy the innovative cuisine of the house. Vegetables, salads and herbs are organically grown and form the basis for the creative vegetarian dishes.

Quai Wilson 37, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Café du Centre is famous for its wide selection of seafood. The oysters come from Brittany and Charente-Maritime. If you're in the mood for meat, there's also a great selection, such as burgers or lamb tajine. Fantastic take-away offer.

Place du Molard 5, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland