The Best Restaurants in 30159 Hanover

10 restaurants in 30159 Hanover ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale in % ort%. All information including address and phone number.
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Everything here revolves around meat; and to cook it as perfectly as possible with a beautiful crust, an oven heated up to 800 degrees is used. The selection of wines from German winegrowers shows care.

Schuhstraße 11, 30159 Hannover, Germany

More of a brasserie than a restaurant, the Schorse in the basement of the Landtag offers French classics and fresh German cuisine. When the weather is nice, people like to take a seat on the terrace by the Leinewehr.

Hannah-Arendt-Platz 1, 30159 Hanover, Germany

The kitchen team prepares all the original ingredients for the aromatic Japanese noodle soups and even makes the noodles themselves - the somewhat cramped table seating is just like in Tokyo.

Thielenplatz 3, 30159 Hanover, Germany

Nikolaistraße 1, 30159 Hanover, Germany