"Vegetarian Options" Restaurants in Baden-Wuerttemberg

44 restaurants offering "Vegetarian Options" in Baden-Wuerttemberg that are ranked highest on Falstaff's 100-point scale. All information including address, phone number and opening hours.
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Luxury / High End

You can watch Manuel Ulrich's every move through a pane of glass and what you see is nothing less than world class. Elegant and yet straightforward, just like the lavish wine list.

Golfplatz 1, 78166 Donaueschingen, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

Cute little gourmet restaurant with a classy interior, private atmosphere and friendly service. There is a slimmed-down menu at lunchtime and six courses in the evening, with vegetarian options available on request.

Scheffelstraße 57, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany

Herrenstraße 43, 79098 Freiburg, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Creative cuisine, always based on French gastronomic classics, meets with the highest approval in the appealing ambience. The two menus are full of gastronomic ideas - real highlights with a bite!

Büchsengasse 20, 89073 Ulm, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Klaus Buderath and Benedikt Wittek cook side by side in the gourmet restaurant with a cosy boathouse atmosphere. The non-alcoholic beverage pairing and the vegetarian menu are also very exciting.

Friedrichsau 50, 89073 Ulm, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Steffen Ruggaber's varied, internationally accentuated regional cuisine deserves applause. But he also pays homage to Swabian roast beef. There is a taster menu on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Rathausstraße 4, 71665 Vaihingen, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Michael Oettinger proves with every course of his menu that elegance does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with stiff seriousness, but can also be humorous, emotional and honest.

Fellbacher Straße 2–6, 70736 Fellbach, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Nicolai Wiedmer has many good ideas from which he composes his dishes. Aromatic variety, packed into down-to-earth dishes with a touch of Asian components here and there.

Basler Straße 20, 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany
Ethnic Cuisine

The extensive and imaginatively composed vegetarian menu is of a special class and comes with up to six courses. The meat and fish classics are also skillfully and creatively prepared.

Hauptstraße 9–15, 88477 Schwendi, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Jochen Fecht's impressive and expressive cuisine capitalises on refined details. Surrounded by natural stone walls, you can enjoy à la carte dishes or a set-menu. If desired, vegan dishes are an option.

Bruderturmgasse 3, 78462 Konstanz, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Refreshingly creative implementation of a nature-loving, sustainable kitchen philosophy in the Atrium Hotel's modern gourmet restaurant. Hendrik Friedrich works skillfully with (wild) herb aromas in particular.

Eberhard-Finckh-Straße 17, 89075 Ulm, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

The Helfesrieder family puts their heart and soul into serving their guests. The kitchen is equally well equipped and offers dishes such as Breton monkfish, saddle of venison and veal tripe in Riesling sauce.

Felix-und-Nabor-Straße 2, 79189 Bad Krozingen, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Happiness is only real if you share it. And there is plenty of it here. For example, the creamy, tender zander or the chestnuts. This quality is achieved by those who are meticulous and passionate enough.

Alemannenstraße 19, 79588 Blansingen, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

The idyllic location in an old castle ruin in the Odenwald alone makes it worth a visit. Michelin-starred chef Martin Scharff has been serving catchy, upscale regional cuisine here for 20 years.

Schlosshof 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

From the region and beyond! This is the motto of the kitchen in the chic brasserie ambience. Whether it's Wiener schnitzel, fillet of beef or veal cutlet with garlic cream sauce, everything tastes good here.

Hauptstraße 183, 77694 Kehl, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

Two generations are now working together to create Mediterranean-inspired cuisine. The aim is to serve guests new and exciting dishes alongside the classics.

Winterbacher Straße 1–3, 73630 Remshalden, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Although the classic restaurant also serves regional specialties, the main focus is on gourmet cuisine, which always surprises with top-class aromatic arrangements.

Stuttgarter Straße 2, 71679 Asperg, Germany
Contemporary Cuisine

Baden background noise with British bass and global highlights. Catinka and Tom Birks (she was born in South Africa, he is English) cook with passionate creativity - you can taste it.

Marktplatz 7, 79379 Müllheim, Germany
Classic & Traditional Cuisine

The atmosphere of this traditional Black Forest restaurant is cultivated and cosy. The seasonal Baden specialties, which are "handg'schabt" (handmade) and "hausg'macht" (homemade), taste wonderful.

Talstraße 103, 79286 Glottertal, Germany
Luxury / High End

The gourmet restaurant belonging to the wellness hotel offers a pampering program characterised by great freshness, variety of flavours and lightness - also purely vegetarian on request. Revitalising and delicious!

St.-Fridolin-Straße 15, 79837 Häusern, Germany