Andrea Bowers, Henrique Oliveira, Marcus Coates, Pascale Marthine Tayou and Thijs Biersteker in the Ruinart vineyard in Taissy.

Andrea Bowers, Henrique Oliveira, Marcus Coates, Pascale Marthine Tayou and Thijs Biersteker in the Ruinart vineyard in Taissy.
Marion Berrin/Ruinart

Ruinart grants unprecedented "Carte Blanche" to collective creativity


For the first time, Ruinart Champagne entrusts six distinguished artists with its visual storytelling. The Berlin showcase is set to be enriched with an exclusive dinner and a series of immersive workshops.

As part of the "Carte Blanche", Maison Ruinart has been inviting renowned artists to realise their visions of the champagne house since 2008. Last year, Eva Jospin was chosen, but this year there is a novelty - for the first time, six artists from a total of five different continents have been asked to take part in the "Dialogue with Champagne", linked by their strong connection to nature.

© Blast Production/Ruinart

Six perspectives of Champagne

Andrea Bowers, who has been commissioned from North America, focuses primarily on activism in her work, while the Japanese artist Tomoko Sauvage from Asia is engaged in researching natural, round forms. The African-Belgian artist Pascale Marthine Tayou from Cameroon explores aspects of origin, while the Brazilian Henrique Oliveira focuses on "spectacular sculptures" and plants.

The sextet is completed by the data-based artist Thijs Biersteker from the Netherlands and the ornithologists Marcus Coates from Great Britain, whose "installations revolve around humans, animals and nature and establish a relationship with the superhuman world", according to a press release. Under the motto "Conversations with Nature", all of his works deal with the terroir and nature of the Champagne.

The works by Oliveira, Biersteker and Coates will be presented during the Berlin exhibition "Ruinart Maison 1729 - From Champagne Vineyards to Berlin", before being exhibited at various international art fairs and reaching their final stop in the garden of the Maison Ruinart in Reims in September. The programme is rounded off by "extraordinary workshops" and an exclusive dinner in the "Restaurant Verônika".


Ruinart Maion 1729 - From Champagne Vineyards to Berlin
At Tacheles, Oranienburger Straße 54, Berlin Mitte

April 25 to 29, 12 to 8 p.m.

Fee Louise Schwarz
Fee Louise Schwarz
Digital Redakteurin
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