Smoked Negroni

Smoked Negroni
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Smoked Negroni

A completely different classic with mezcal and a smoky note. Drink idea from the Lenox Bar in Zurich, Switzerland.

Francois Bräuning

3 cl Casamigos mezcal
2 cl Pussanga bitter
2 cl Belsazar Rosé
1 splash(es) popcorn syrup
1 slices dried orange

Stir all ingredients well in a mixing glass for 77 revolutions.
Strain into a tumbler glass over ice. Garnish with a dried orange slice and enjoy the drink. 


Francois Bräuning recommends: If you don't have any mezcal, you can also use tequila reposado - also a very exciting combination. Buttered vanilla/pepper also fits perfectly and supports the smoky note of the Smoked Negroni.
The ultimate version of the Smoked Negroni can of course be enjoyed at the Lenox Bar.

Francois Bräuning
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