The first moon hotel is to be built in Dubai.

The first moon hotel is to be built in Dubai.
© Screenshot Moon Resort

Giant moon hotel planned in Dubai

A Canadian entrepreneur wants to use moon replicas as hotels. The first project is to be built in Dubai.

Lunar travel might be one of the most fantastic ways to spend your money but shortly would-be space tourists may not need to even leave Earth. Canadian entrepreneur Michael Henderson wants to create moon replica hotels with his company Moon Resorts. Each of these moon hotels will be around 220 metres high and offer the full amenities of a holiday resort including rooms, suites, spas and restaurants.

The first moon hotel is to be built – of course – in Dubai, the metropolis of superlatives and gigantic tourism projects. Guests will experience the feeling of living on the moon, Henderson is quoted as saying. There is still a lack of financial backers, but the first moon hotel or resort is planned to open by 2027 at the latest. Whether this will actually come to pass is up to the stars...

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