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Weekend getaway: the top 5 cities for a weekend trip

Travel Essentials

Escape the daily grind for a few days? According to a new study by "Slot.Day", these are the most popular destinations for a short weekend break.

Sometimes you only need 72 perfect hours of vacation to feel refreshed again. That's where the weekend trip comes in. Alongside London, Prague and Sofia, Skopje and Tirana are the most popular destinations for a weekend getaway. This is according to a new study by Slot.Day, which examined the quality of nightlife and the cost of accommodation in all European capitals. The researchers focused on the number of top-rated nightspots in each capital city listed on TripAdvisor, particularly those that received four or more stars out of five. The cost of an overnight stay was also included in the assessment. In terms of accommodation costs, the study assumes two people sharing a double room.

1st place: London

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, impresses with a mixture of historical charm and modern dynamism. There are 854 highly rated bars, clubs and pubs in the British capital, which is why London takes first place in Slot.Day's study. In addition to the nightlife scene, London also offers an unparalleled variety of cultural experiences: from iconic landmarks such as Buckingham Palace to trendy neighbourhoods like Shoreditch.

Falstaff tips for your trip to London:

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Place 2: Prague

As the second best capital city in Europe for a short weekend trip, Prague is particularly famous for its award-winning beer varieties. With hotel costs half that of London, the Czech Republic's capital has 418 bars and clubs that have received outstanding reviews from visitors. It is also home to the largest club in Central Europe, the "Karlovy Lazne". But the city also has a lot to offer historically. Charles Bridge, one of the oldest stone bridges in Europe, tells of times gone by, while a guided tour of Prague Castle provides a deeper insight into the country's important history.

Falstaff tips for your trip to Prague:

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3rd place: Sofia

Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is the third most popular destination for a weekend trip. Sofia offers visitors a choice of 112 bars and clubs rated four stars or higher, while hotels are reasonably priced at €41.90 per person per night. Apart from the vibrant nightlife and historical treasures, such as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral or the Serdica amphitheater, the city also offers vibrant markets, lively parks and an up-and-coming culinary offer. The Vitosha mountain range surrounds the city and offers outdoor enthusiasts year-round opportunities for activities such as hiking and skiing.

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Place 4: Skopje

Meanwhile, Skopje is the cheapest city for a weekend trip, with an average of just €38.10 per person for hotel costs. The North Macedonian city, with its mix of historical architecture and modern influences, offers a unique atmosphere. The city's growing popularity is not only due to its affordable options, but also to its warm hospitality and the variety of cultural experiences it has to offer.

Discover North Macedonia's wine landscape:

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Place 5: Tirana

Tirana, the vibrant capital of Albania, is a city in transition, impressing with its colourful mix of culture, history and modern energy. The capital has undergone an astonishing transformation in recent years and today presents itself as an up-and-coming tourist destination. The city's architecture reflects the country's history, from Ottoman influences to its socialist past. Skanderbeg Square, named after Albania's national hero, is a central location surrounded by historic buildings and the famous clock tower. Tirana is not only rich in history, but also vibrant and cosmopolitan. Blloku, once a segregated district for the political elite, is now the heart of the nightlife with numerous bars, restaurants and clubs.

Learn more about Albania:

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