Fancy a pint?

Fancy a pint?

Cost of a pint in the UK reaching ‘worrying’ levels


Figures by the ONS shows the average price for a pint of lager in the UK edging towards £5.

The British love of their beer is facing its toughest test during the current cost of living crisis, the latest figures showing that the price of a pint of lager has risen by almost 50p in 12 months.

The research by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, has shown the average price in the UK has risen from £4.07 in 2022 to £4.56 (approx. €5.30) in 2023, news labelled as “worrying” by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA).

“With energy bills for businesses spiralling and the cost of goods and employing staff rocketing too, pubs – and the breweries that serve them – have had no choice but to put up prices to make ends meet, despite doing everything they can to continue to welcome their loyal customers and stay afloat,” Nik Antona, national chair of CAMRA told

While the cost of a pint varies in different regions of the UK, costs in raw materials and production have spiralled nationwide, the industry particularly hit by the increase in energy prices. Some brewing groups have opted to reduce the strength of products to cut the tax burden and keep the costs for customers down: a popular lager brand like Foster’s has been reduced in strength from 4 per cent to 3.7 per cent ABV, saving 3p per bottle on duty, with Old Speckled Hen going down from 5 per cent to 4.8 per cent to save 2p per bottle.

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