Business travel has to change

Business travel has to change

Business travellers prioritise reducing costs and climate protection

Travel News

A current report shows the most important trends in business travel, with costs and environmental compatibility topping the list.

Costs and the environment are currently at the foreground as issues in business travel. This is shown in a report by the consulting and services company Aon plc; in its current ‘International Mobility Report 2023‘ these factors are named as the most important drivers for business travel.

Following the pandemic, costs are top of the priority list for business travel, with the so-called ESG criteria (Environment, Social, Governance) also becoming more important: ESG criteria was rated 11th in 2022, and 6th in the priority list this year. Companies are primarily striving to reduce the number of trips (44 per cent) and to offset emissions (37 per cent).

The idea of being able to work flexibly from anywhere in the world has become less attractive to companies: only 50 per cent still admit to the possibility of remote work, compared to 63 per cent in the previous year.

For its ‘International Mobility Report 2023‘, Aon surveyed 400 managers from 18 industries across Europe.

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