Emma and Alex Watson

Emma and Alex Watson
Renais Gin / photo provided

Actress Emma Watson and her brother Alex launch Renais gin

The Harry Potter star is drawing on her family links to the Chablis region with their “carbon-neutral spirit”.

While she’s more associated with the butterbeer drink synonymous with the Harry Potter franchise, it’s a more botanic brew that actress Emma Watson wants to be known for in the future, with the launch or her own gin brand.

The Renais label is a combined venture with her brother Alex, the duo releasing what they describe as a “carbon-neutral spirit” created from upcycled grape skins handpicked in the steepest, most prestigious grand cru vineyards of Chablis. The Watson children are no strangers to the drinks business or the Chablis region, following in the footsteps of their father Chris, who despite being a high-flying city lawyer also bought a vineyard in 1991, today owning seven with a number of friends, and also representing Chablis in the UK.

His children were regular visitors with their father to Chablis, so a link to the region and her family in the Renais brand seemed fitting as Emma explained. “With a heart full of warmth and nostalgia, I am thrilled to introduce Renais Gin. It is an ode to the sun-kissed vineyards of Chablis where my family has been making wine these past 30 years,” said the actress, made famous by her role as Hermione Granger in all the Harry Potter films. In an Instagram message, she added: “I’m having a proud sister moment.”

Her brother Alex, whose background is in the drinks business with multinational giant Diageo, explained: “Renais means ‘rebirth’ and is taken from the French word ‘Renaissance. It can be a centrepiece at a dinner party, something you want to share with those who are close to you.”

The gin is currently only available in the UK, priced at £60 on the Renais website.

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